Friday, April 13, 2012

The British are coming...again!

The British are coming…again!!

Yup, the new British Invasion is under way, and this time it’s not 4 dudes from Liverpool with odd haircuts! This time , the Brits are back in our living rooms, bedrooms and anywhere you can stick a Union Jack ( that’s the national flag in case you were wondering)
I first started to notice this phenomenon in my local Home Goods – two linen covered parson’s chairs sporting the old red white and blue

Then it was a rug on a website store
Then pictures

Then Vivian Westwood chimed in
Then a lamp came to my attention

And this ottoman

Then these small foot “stools”

And trunks

Of course there would be pillows

And bulldogs, so many bulldogs

And of course, Mr David Beckham…this has nothing to do with interior design, but what the heck!!

Next post…Just what does all that French script actually say on this chair?….